Kid´s Ski school
Kid´s park & World

For children from 4 to 12 years old. Skiing made easy: learn how to ski with fun and adventure. Skiing techniques developed specially for children and teens with state-of-the-art tools and equipment and ideal terrain: ropes, straps, fun noodles, Shorty skis and much more ...

Why with us?

In our own CHILDREN’s PARK the kids can learn skiing in a playlike atmosphere free from pressure. Only then they will really have fun, and they learn easier and more quickly too. The adults have a lot of time for skiing while we are looking carfully for your children in our full day care.

Our All Day Care program offers the ideal Daycar for your children. Our especially trained instructors teach and entertain the kids effectively. At lunch time the childen go with our „Kid’s taxi“ to the Kid’s World. In our own restaurant they are able to eat without stress, play a bit and gather strength for the afternoon classes.

Our Kid’s Park is perfectly equipped for children to learn how to ski in a playful and fun way. We are especially proud of our Magic Carpet! Just step onto it with your skis, and you are already half way up the slope!

  • 3 magic carpets – the ideal kid’s ski lift, training terrains with many toys wavetrack
  • Ski school hut with children´s toilet, Ski depot - free of charge for ski course participants
  • Big play tent – fun and games in all weathers, play area with air iglu, toyworm etc.


The children's park is located in the ski area directly at the mountain station on the left. The gondola ride from the valley to the ski area takes approx. 15 - 20 minutes.

Our Kid's World (over 300 m²) at the mountain station 2. Here, your children are being excellently taken care of during lunch and skiing breaks.

  • Separate Kid's restaurant
  • Various play areas
  • Kid's cinema
  • Kid's toilet and much more!

Highlight of the week is Thursday with our Kid’s Ski Race! At the immediately following price ceremony, each child is given a diploma and a medal. Group winners will also receive a trophy.

For organisational reasons, only children who have ski lessons until Thursday can participate in the race. The award ceremony will be handled on the same day. Times for start and award ceremony will be announced by the respective ski instructor on the day of the race before the start oft the course.

Price liST wINTER sEASON 2024/25

Kid´s introduction course

Children love the snow! In an introduction course, little skiers will be playfully introduced to the snow and can venture out onto the slopes with their skis for the first time. 

  • Only for beginners on Sunday and Monday (Monday only in the main season)
  • 4 hours a day WITHOUT lunch
Introduction courseChildren from 4 to 5 years
1 day€ 85,-
Group Course (min. 5 persons)
4 hours
a day
WITHOUT lunch /
day care
WITH lunch /
day care
1 day€ 90,-€ 106,50
2 days€ 170,-€ 203,-
3 days€ 240,-€ 289,50
4 days€ 295,-€ 361,-
5 days€ 335,-€ 417,50
6 days€ 370,-*€ 469,-*

* possible only in high season

Course extensions is possible (only successive days). You only have to pay the difference. No reductions from the 3rd day.

After mastering the snowplow the fun really begins! It' time to advance to the training ski lift and after one week, the kids will master easy terrain using the snowplow.For advanced students we offer special improvement courses, from the snowplow, on to parallel skiing ("Wedeln", Mogule Runs, Powder, Race Training).

Videos grouping

Bambini + Group 1 (green)
Group 2 (blue)
Group 3 (blue)
Group 4 (blue)
Group 5 (red)
Group 6 (red)
Group 7 (red)
Group 8, 9, 10 (Black)
Teaching scheme KIDS, JUNIOR, TEENS
Getting used to the ski equipment

Getting used to the equipment and to the restricted movement with the ski equipment. Walking, sliding and climbing in gentle, sloped terrain.

Sliding and schuss exercises

Balancing whilst sliding


Sliding with skis in plough position – braking and stopping

Snowplough turning

Downhill with direction change

Alpine skiing posture – edging

Skiing on the uphill edges

Alpine skiing posture - SLIDING

Tilt away from edges – steering parallel skis whilst sliding

Snowplough steering

Changing direction by steering on the uphill edges

Parallel ski steering long - pole plant - short

Simultaneous switching edges, turning and steering the skis as the basis for the parallel ski steering with long radii

Pole plant

Pole plant used as an aid for balance, weight transfer, turning and rhythm

Parallel ski steering - long radii with pole plant

Simultaneous switching of edges, turning and steering the skis with use of the pole plant

Parallel ski steering - short radii

Rhythmic continuous turns with changes of direction in parallel short radii

Dynamic parallel ski steering - long radii

Dynamic change of direction out of the steering pressure; situational ski control, sporty, forward-looking, adapted skiing in medium length and long radii.

Dynamic parallel ski steering - short radii

Dynamic parallel ski steering in short radii with situation-responsive ski control.

Carving and racing carving - long radii

Preparation for giant slalom; athletic safe skiing at high speeds on hard piste, carved turns in long radii

Carving - short turns

Carved direction changes with short radii with slalom carvers

Steep slopes

Safe skiing on steep terrain


Controlled skiing through bumps with flexing and stretching turns - commitment to constant contact with the snow

Deep snow

Rhythmic, enjoyable skiing in deep snow

Demo & Formation

Skiing in formation; synchronous changes in direction and movement, also to music


From long turns on wide unspoilt slopes to short turns on steeper slopes (speed)


We want to make the grouping for our little guests even more comfortable without waiting times and without driving ahead. Simply select in our online store or on site in the ski school office by means of a classification video, which level best suits the ability of your child and assign it to the right group in advance.
In the various sample videos, everyone will find the right level for ski lessons.
We assign you to the right group before the ski course - easy, stress-free and comfortable start on the day.

We recommend a reservation in advance

Ski pass (from 6 years), ski equipment, appropriate ski clothing, snow/sunglasses


Daily routine with day care

9.30 am Sunday and Monday: Organizing groups
9.45 - 9.55 am Meeting Point "Kid's Park" (Exit Mountain Station left). The Children have to have with them: complete ski equipment, appropriate ski clothing, valid ski school card, valid ski pass (Children from 6 years have to pay a skipass)
10.00 - 11.45 am Multi-facetted ski course
11.45 - 1.15 pm Lunch at "Kid's World" and relaxation with fun games and entertainment
1.15 - 3.15 pm Ski course
3.15 pm Parents pick up their children at the Kid's Park

Daily Routine Without day care

9.30 am Sunday and Monday:Organizing groups
9.45 - 9.55 am Meeting Point "Kid's Park" (Exit Mountain Station left). The Children have to have with them: complete ski equipment, appropriate ski clothing, valid ski school card, valid ski pass (Children from 6 years have to pay a skipass)
10.00 - 11.45 am Multi-facettes ski course
11.45 - 1.15 pm Lunch – Parents pick up their children for lunch
1.15 - 3.15 pm Ski and fun at the Ski course
3.15 pm  Parents pick up their children at the Kid's Park

Book online

5% Early-Online Booking-discount on group lessons

* when online booking min. 30 days before start of course


Kinderskischule Optimal
Skiunterricht, der Spaß macht
Zauberteppich und toller Anfängerhügel
Skischule mit Mittagsbetreuung
Unterricht in kleinen Gruppen
Kinderunterricht mit der Skischule Optimal
Skifahren spielend leicht erlernt
Gruppenunterricht Kinderskischule
Überdachter Zauberteppich
Preisverteilung Abschlussrennen
Skikurs mit Mittagsbetreuung
Kinderraum fürs gemeinsame Mittagsessen
Maskottchen der Skischule Optimal
Spielerisch skifahren lernen
Gruppenunterricht Kinder

Our FAQ´s

Do kids have to wear helmet?

The risk that a child hurts itself during a small fall is minimal. However, using ski lifts, during a collision, or if the child lies on the floor after a fall, the head is the most vulnerable. Therefore we recommend as soon as the child reaches ability group 2 to use a helmet.

As of what age can kids go to ski school?

At four years of age, children can start to learn how to ski.

Do kids need ski poles?

Beginners (Group 1) do not need poles, as of Group 2 you should give the child ski poles to use.

Do the children need a ski pass?

Kids as of 6 years old need a ski pass.

Clothing and sun protection

Weather appropriate clothing, as well as sun glasses (goggles) and sun screen should always be given to the children. High Rise pants with a separate Jacket are ideal because the kids can take off their jackets incase of warmer weather or during games. Multiple layers underneath the jacket are also of advantage.

Weekly schedule
Ski lessons

  • MON
  • TUE
  • Wed
  • THU
  • FRI
  • SAT
  • SUN
  • Course start for alpine-skiing and snowboard beginners
    (only bookable on Sundays in the low season)
  • Kid´s skirace with immediately following price ceremony
  • Only private lessons
  • For advanced skiers, it´s also possible to start on Tuesday!